05 January 2006

I can't sleep. This medicine has a wonderful side effect, i.e. the first day you take it, you can't stop clawing at yourself and you tend to be WIDE awake. I thought narcotics were supposed to do just that...narco your ass to sleep. NOT!

I'm wide awake. And now I realize I had a semi-awake dream about Alex Chiu. If you've never been to Chiu's website, I urge you to go. TODAY. This man is a world changer. Apparently he can make us all live forever. He also explains science, economics, and the keys to a viable outline for world peace. It is all professionally illustrated through expertly-rendered animated GIF's.

Mommy, can i stop being sarcastic now?

Alex Chiu is one of the biggest fruitcakes out there. No wonder Lowtax stays on him and Fiffy so much.

1 comment:

gnif said...

couldn't you have snapped a picture?