14 March 2006

Since the Clarion Ledger ("Mississippi's Newspaper", yeah right.) is too cowardly to print an opposing view on their current xenophobic stance on immigration, I submit the following, which they have ignored:

(Editor: I graduated from college and am quite confident that my grammar usage is correct. The last two letters I have sent were butchered in such a way that their message was muddled by someone on the CL staff. I humbly ask that in taking my letter into consideration you refrain from altering its contents. Thanks.)


In observing the debate on immigration from the perspective of a fly on the wall, it has become obvious to me that there are passionate participants on both sides of the issue. A common sentiment in both camps has been that immigrants need to "Go through the proper channels," so to speak. There was a time when this worked. All one had to do was show up on a ship at any major port and sign a registry. This is how the majority of our ancestors came to this country, in case any of us have forgotten the fact that unless we are of Native American blood, we too are seventh and tenth generation "anchor babies".

Then there came a moment when the very laws that govern immigration became a tool to keep people out. They are designed in such a way that it is nearly impossible to come here unless you fall into a very narrow set of circumstances and, of course, have a lot of money. (We won't even get into the need for an attorney, since the language of the paperwork is purposefully indecipherable.) I have tried for over 5 years to bring my mother in law from Mexico. She is completely alone and has no family members there. Yet these laws have kept her (and countless others) away from her loved ones. She hasn't been able to even get a visa to come on vacation for a few weeks! She has two grandchildren that she only knows from pictures and occasional phone calls. I agree there needs to be immigration reform: reform to make it easier for families to reunite!

There is a human side to this debate that is not being given the scrutiny that it so clearly deserves. The emotional cost of being separated by a miserable trickle of water called the Rio Grande is one that is too great to bear for many.


There we go, Clarion Ledger, and a big 'screw-you' for not publishing that due to your small, narrow minds. Commentary, unless it is serious and sympathetic in nature, is unnecessary and for this post will be axed. Thank you. That is all.


Anonymous said...

go back to mexico you bean picking wetback WHY DO YUO HATEZ AMERICA???1!!! OMGWTFBBQ

Anonymous said...

Nice letter. I've learned that most of those passionately against immigration simply don't have any foundation to back up thier arguments. It's thinly veiled racism. sad.

The Whyzeman said...

Do what you have to do, man. But, it's going to take more than a letter to the editor of a proprietary newspaper. If I could go and get her, I would. It's amazing the worthless things that are supported by the "system" and how things that need to be supported fall on deaf ears.