18 October 2005

ok. So WHAT THE HELL is that noise in my blinds?

It's Mulder and Scully. Bastiches wait until we're "asleep", then get out of their infant playpen.
It's this scary pitter-patter, running about the entire fecking house.

I had brie tonight. And grilled tequila chicken. And Samuel Adams Creamstout, and white russians, and Boddington's Ale. Wonderful day it's been, today.

My wife's blood test came back negative for pituitary tumors, which I am grateful for. Tomorrow a mammogram is scheduled, so please keep your collective fingers crossed for us. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep at night. It's getting old rather quickly, as is the cats running across the floor in the living room darkness.

Time for Firefly reruns. Fox network bastards.

Let me know if you haven't seen an episode of Lost. I'll burn it for you.


Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gordito, I missed Lost last night. AHHH! There was a contractor (T. Middleton) in my house last night telling me how stupid my insurance company is.