17 February 2006

My mother is beyond all words.

I had to stop by the municipal Water Department and argue that there is no way in you-kn0w-where that I've consumed 29,000 gallons of water this month. My water bill went from $50 to $350. Yep. I don't know how either.

But I'm here in my mam's office checking my email before i hit the road to the office. Mam, Dad and aunt are across the way walking in an abandoned scheme, sorry, subdivision. It is rather sad. They paved these nice streets, set up individual lots for homes, even built a home in the middle of all this emptiness...and...no one came. It's a ghost town. Gives me the creeps but for some reason they enjoy walking there immensely. Whatever...

It's been a while since I posted one...so...

Weird purchase list from trip to WalMart last night:
a length of steel chain
a glass vase
a small statuette of a monkey
a wireless router
and two Mexicana cd's.

Gotta go now mam's walkin in

1 comment:

The Whyzeman said...

Word of advice...any computer equipment you buy from Wal-Mart, if it's not shrink-wrapped, avoid it like bitter beer.