06 April 2006

What's getting me now is this crap about how tightening the borders are going to keep people up. Do you know what it's going to do? Know those guys you see with big vans with Arizona plates? They are going to get richer. I know immediately offhand 5 coyotes here in town who I could pay to bring loved ones. These smuggler guys will make a killing. They will never disappear, people.

I had a fun argument with a moron at my place of work concerning immigration. I understand there are those who are against immigration who are not anti-hispanic in sentiment, but this guy was a true winner. He obviously knows nothing about me and my family, my in-law culture, or my language capabilites. So he starts in on the "[insert blasphemy]-damned Mexicans" today. He went up one side and down the other about them. Then he went on to proclaim how great the Germans [whiteys, yawn. I'm white so i can say it.] are, and the standard GAWD BLESS AMURIKKKA sentiments about Black Americans, East Indians, the entire country of Bangladesh, and the DuPont corporation for hiring engineers from said countries.

People were looking for me and expecting a juicy retort. I just smiled and said one or two simple but painfully obvious things that made him look like a total moron. Later on, I got the following email from an associate of mine who I consider a fine person and a friend around the crazy place known as the office. I've sanitized it so the innocent will remain protected:

It was sad to watch Mr. [Moron] bloviate at length about a subject which he apparently has utterly no comprehension of this A.M. I love that word. Bloviate. Sounds like something a blow-hard might do. Your replies were well thought out, constructed with an intimate understanding of the issues, and therefore ignored because they do not acknowledge the simplistic world view which he espouses. Everything is not hunky-dory in Estados Unidos! Would that it was. It is hardly the place where I grew up anymore. I blithely informed him today (he was not aware of it of course) that our lifestyle was something like 23rd best in the world. This isn't the 60's, 70's, or even 80's anymore.

As you know there are third-world countries with economies based on bananas, bat guano, and tourism that take better care of their own. As far as immigration goes Ben Franklin feared a wave of German immigrants. He was right The wave happened and the sky didn't fall. Same with the Irish, Italians, Orientals, and every other group that wound up here.

Oh well. It was nice to here him get refuted with such a clarity and I hope I helped.

The mail's sender is one of the few sea-oats who are keeping the dunes of humanity from blowing away into the winds of stupidity. Damn that's poetic.

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